This week we travel in a new space, exploring the pull of journey language and how to determine new direction. I took some time away with multiple projects and several programs beginning and this has been an excellent time to get in my studio and stretch out to rest…I needed that respite.
Poem Shared:
O mother of the sea
lend me a wave that is strong and true
to carry me from this Age which unbinds me.I do not need a ship, mother,
but make it a buoyant swell
to bear me up and float me on the sea’s dreaming
then beach me on some lighter shore.When I land there, mother, give me warp and weft again,
and an urchin quill to remind me
how the prettiest barb can lodge under your skin
and leave you undone.Only lend me a loom and I will
take up the threads of this unravelled life.
I will weave a braid from three strands of seaweed
I will wind it three times around my finger
I will dig my salt-encrusted hands into the soil
and wed myself to the thirstybrown roots of a new beginning.
-Sharon Blackie
Perhaps you are also listening, attuned to your inner wisdom yet unsure, taking some time “in” or being called to explore your stories or embark on a journey in unexpected ways. It is always valuable to enter a creative space with a few powerful questions.
Here are some of the questions I have been traveling with…
What does it mean to be a lighthouse?
What kind of lighthouse do I want to be?
Explore the tension of opposites…
Notice what you feel as you move materials on the surface of a new creative page…
Explore and express…
Be a lighthouse.
See what happens as you engage the creative…
Ask your art: Where you are being and how you are becoming…
Keep your council, take some space and be.
Find a way to see far beyond what is visible yet.
Below I share my Tower/Lighthouse…just a small part of a larger journey.
As modern mystics or artists of life many of us seek to reconnect through images and symbols. The Mythopoetic approach is companioned by curiosity, being open, noticing and the willingness to explore your story (personal, communal or collective) using words/images/color/texture/form, to seek and find your own knowing.
A Free Guided Solstice Journey:
Connect to spirit, explore the energy of the season, meet the elemental energies as you move into your 12 Nights of Solstice Journey. Reframe your holiday experience to embrace the SOLSTICE as you inspire deeper connection and move with the powerful energies that this season brings!
Connect with art as process, explore materials, discover your symbols of the season, and find moments of wonder and delight in the 12 Nights Journey.
If you are feeling low or experiencing loss, use the 12 Nights Journey to create a safe, sacred and contemplative space for your own needs and nurturing.
Expand, discover and create with a kindred circle, explore art as process and guided journey. Feel the power of community creativity within a solo journey that will embrace creative depth and visual storytelling!
NEW for 2024 in the 12 Nights of Solstice! I created an exciting companion art journal that is optional for this 12 Nights of Solstice. If you want to use you can purchase from our shop, or on global Amazon, only $8.95.
Please join us for the 12 Nights and explore your favorite mixed media and creative materials as we all travel through 12 Nights of Solstice.
A Mythopoetic Life is connected to my work at JourneyPath Institute. I am excited that this space offers a unique energy and new ways to meet our musings, ideas and experiences.
Thank you for this share Cat. I created a round for my She for my Quest Path journey and in the distance was a lighthouse (I was in the foreground as my childhood self, my inner muse and as my now-self, my eldering self, on the rocks) I don’t feel that I’m living “on the rocks” right now, they are more symbolic of a rocky, lost at sea past. I knew the lighthouse was significant but I’m still learning what questions to ask on my Quest Path and so this video, poem and article are helpful for finding ways into enquiry.
I’m now realising that the lighthouse symbolises the 12 year rebuild of myself and of my life from the remains I was left with after my cancer diagnosis and it’s already helpful to see myself as my own lighthouse that has cycled it’s light through the dark, picking up on pieces of the rocks that were left from the crumbling of my self and my life.
Suddenly I understand that I have been also been the pearl on an oceanic journey of cleansing then honing myself! I am shaped and more whole and even beginning to finally feel I’m polishing myself!
Thank you so much, this contemplation of the ocean, lighthouse and Peregrina is very timely for me.